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Meet Our Dedicated azendea Team!

One of azendea's visions and missions is to pay it forward to our community. We are committed to making that happen by working with local college and high school students, providing them with the job training in entrepreneurship, business professionalism, online social media, sales, and marketing skills.  We welcome those who are enthusiastic in learning about health and fitness, as well as advancing in their business knowledge to reach out to us and apply to work in our team as a project lead, short-term or long-term internships.

Introducing some of our current and past key team members who are assisting us now or have assisted in the past.

Alejandrina Ruiz

September 29, 2016

Alejandrina Ruiz is our writer and digital marketer for azendea.  She is currently working full time for a financial institution as a deposits specialist.  She has a passion for bike riding and mental health.  Through azendea, she hopes to learn more about spiritual and mental wellness so she can give back to her community.


Kenny Le

October 31, 2016

Kenny Le is a project manager for azendea. He is a current student at Irvine Valley College pursuing a degree in Business Information Management. He enjoys photography and hiking in the local national forests to observe and record all that nature has to offer. Through azendea he hopes to learn more about social media marketing, management, and information system.

Samantha Ammann

October 31, 2016

Samantha Ammann is a project manager at azendea.  She is a full time student at Irvine Valley College majoring in Business Administration. Sam has a passion for helping others achieve personal wellness. Her hobbies are photography, graphic designing, and yoga.  By working at azendea, Samantha wants to utilize her passions to help spread the positivity to others.  

Gisell Aceves

October 31, 2016

Gisell Aceves is a social media manager at azendea. She currently attends Long Beach State University for Business Marketing. Gisell enjoys being active and engages in activities such as running, martial arts, hiking, & going to the gym. She has a strong passion for dance and hopes to someday be able to share what has given her so much. She looks forward to learning more about marketing and management, to grow not only herself but with azendea.

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